Homemade Spray for Eliminating Outdoor Pee Smell

Backyard smelling a little, er, ripe? I use this tried-and-true formula:
Take a large-size bottle of Listerine mouth wash, original formula. (CostCo sells two-packs of the 1-liter size). For a household with multiple Ridgebacks, I add it to one of those plastic weed sprayers you can pick up at Home Depot. Add a couple of squirts of Dawn dishwashing liquid (not too much, or you’ll create a bubbly mess). Next, two parts water for every part Listerine. Screw on the top, pump up to create some pressure, and then spray away!
The Listerine helps break down the bacteria that cause the unpleasant smell, and the Dawn helps it cling to vertical surfaces like walls as well as plants and shrubs, without harming them.
Reapply after rain, or as often as needed.
Your neighbors and garden guests will thank you!